Promise Keeping God

May 19, 2019    Mike Burt

"I believe the promises of God enough to venture an eternity on them." Isaac Watts

God keeps His word! The focus of these verses is primarily on His covenant and its token. In the ancient world covenants were promises verified by an oath, usually witnessed by some ruling authority, and verified with a token. We are familiar with this from the Old Testament stories. There are several promises which are followed up with something like “the Lord is witness this day” or “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you.” Sometimes they made a pile of stones which would remain long after both parties died and they called it a witness (Josh. 24:27).

Promises were made and then a token was often exchanged as a sort of tangible reminder of the promises made. Recall that Abraham’s servant placed his hand under Abraham’s thigh to take an oath (Gen. 24:2) and that Boaz offered his shoe to redeem Ruth (Ruth 4:8). Sometimes the token was the sacrifice of an animal which graphically warned the parties of the consequences of breaking this word. It was common for tribes or clans to covenant together offering a son or daughter in marriage to ensure the mutual survival of the unified people. Later groups like the Hittites formalized the process with elaborate ceremonies and documents literally written in metal or stone. These covenants were occasionally read aloud in public so that no one would forget about their responsibilities.

Sunday we will read of God's promises to Noah for the World – no more world-wide flood! The token – a rainbow in the sky after each rain reminding man of God's promise. We will compare this promise and token to other promises and tokens like marriage and the wedding rings or redemption and the bread and juice – each tokens of a greater promise! As God has kept His word, let us be inspired to keep ours!

Pastor Mike