God's daily design

Feb 24, 2019    Mike Burt

"The book of Genesis leaves us with a striking truth - work was part of paradise." Tim Keller

From INC.com recent blog: “more than 70 percent of workers say they don't feel satisfied with their career choices” but go to work everyday. Why? A parody of the 7 dwarves song 'High Ho, High Ho' is the joke 'I owe, I owe, so off to work I go!' So many hate their job (until payday) that too often we have come to associate work with the curse – that is NOT biblical. Work was assigned to Adam before the fall and should be seen as a divine assignment. Sunday we move into chapter 2 and examine God's calling of a gardener and the 'generations' of the earth. Fascinating details in this brief account and I hope some interesting questions – like why did God use dirt to form man when He had so many other materials at His disposal? Why the test of two trees? What are the 3 main purposes for work – are they virtuous in themselves or should we live for the weekend? Lots of neat stuff – hope to see you Sunday!

Pastor Mike