Grace Partner Organizations

Trail Life Troop MO-2215

Meets at Grace on Tuesday nights

Trail Life USA is a Christian adventure, character, and leadership  program for young men. The K-12 program centers on outdoor experiences  that build a young man’s skills and allow him to grow on a personal  level and as a role model and leader for his peers. Living the Trail  Life is a journey established on timeless values derived from the Bible.

American Heritage Girls

Meets at Grace every other Tuesday night
American Heritage Girls is a faith-based character development program for all girls 5-18 years of age. AHG is dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country.  With emphasis on Christian values and family involvement, girls participate in badge programs, service projects, leadership opportunities and outdoor experiences. 

Operation Christmas Child

Partner Church and Regional Collection Center
The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Through this project, Samaritan’s Purse partners with the local church worldwide to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nations.

Grace Affiliate Organizations

Far Above Rubies

Meets at Grace during the school year with a Tuesday or Thursday option
Far Above Rubies is a discipleship class for homeschool girls ages 5 and up.  Our goals are to grow in our love for the Lord and in His character.  A typical class includes a large group time for the lesson, singing, and Scripture memory work.  We then meet in teams for application of the lesson through prayer, games, occasionally crafts, etc.  We meet during the school year.  For more information, contact Angel Atkinson at the email below.

Community Bible Study

Meets at Grace on Wednesday mornings during the school year
Community Bible Study is an interdenominational Bible study offering a wide range of courses with over 700 classes throughout the United States. They welcome people from all backgrounds and levels of Bible knowledge, and are known as an "every person's Bible study." Since 1975, Community Bible Study has been helping people -- from children to seniors -- to grow in their knowledge and love of Jesus Christ. Community Bible Study is known as a safe haven "Where Transformation Happens."

Love Columbia

Because He first loved us, Love Columbia serves anyone in Columbia who is struggling to provide for their basic needs or improve their life and wants help to create a path forward. Many of the people that they serve have nowhere else to turn. Often, they are under great stress and facing multiple challenges. Without intervention, many of their situations would become quite dire and result in a negative domino effect such as eviction leading to homelessness or unaffordable car repair leading to job loss.

Everyone needs hope and someone to accompany them on their journey. As one of our program participants said, “You believed in me until I could believe in myself.”