Created in God's image

Feb 3, 2019    Mike Burt

"Our true and genuine wisdom can be summed up as the knowledge of God and the knowledge of ourselves." John Calvin, Institutes

Sunday we will tackle (no Super Bowl pun intended) one of the most challenging questions to the mind of any believer: “why did God make man?” We will look at God's creation of man, the transmission of some attributes and the uniqueness of man in all of Creation! This is one you must not miss – this is one of those lifetime questions that plague the minds of all even into adulthood. Was God needy? Was God lonely? What is 'God's image?' What does God look like? If you have raised kids you have heard some version of each of these – come Sunday for some answers! Only after the Creation of man was God's assessment of Creation 'very good!' I will tell you why – see you Sunday – invite someone to share these questions and answers with you this week.

Pastor Mike