Godly leadership from the men of Grace is evident in all areas of ministry in the church. The men encourage others by passing on what they have learned through teaching many of the Sunday Morning Classes during the Sunday School hour and other leadership positions that direct our church. They grow in Christ by sharing their faith and serving God in ministry.

Pornography Support
We want to provide support for men who are struggling with pornography. Please reach out to the leaders of the men’s ministry, David Wells, or Andy Kline. In addition, click below for resources that are available.

Real Men
Every other Thursday Morning Coffee @ 7am
Men, head to Bob Evans for some good food and fellowship!
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
Jesus said, “If you hold to My teaching, you are really My disciples” (John 8:31).
A Christian disciple follows Jesus, becoming more and more like Him through a life of faith and obedience.
We see Jesus giving us both the great Commandment and the Great Commission. God's desire is that every Christ follower should be a part of disciple-making. The results should be sharing the Gospel, developing your relationship with God and helping others to develop theirs.
Grow as a disciple who makes other disciples to make Jesus known everywhere.
A Christian disciple follows Jesus, becoming more and more like Him through a life of faith and obedience.
We see Jesus giving us both the great Commandment and the Great Commission. God's desire is that every Christ follower should be a part of disciple-making. The results should be sharing the Gospel, developing your relationship with God and helping others to develop theirs.
Grow as a disciple who makes other disciples to make Jesus known everywhere.