Sermons & Podcasts


This Sunday at Grace

Jesus and Judas - Crouching at the door! - John 13, Psalm 41:9
God warned Cain that ‘sin is crouching at the door; and it's desire is for you’ – yet surrendering to anger Cain took his brother’s life and committed the first murder. (Gen 4) Judas was similarly warned – Jesus quoted Psalm 41:9 predicting the betrayal of a ‘trusted friend’ and someone He shared ‘bread’ at the table. Yet with all of these warnings the Disciples still had no clue who was the traitor – so much so that the suspected themselves before Judas. Sunday the conversation I will examine is a brief encounter at the Passover meal of Jesus and the Disciples. The last days and final hours of the Messiah recorded in John. This is one of those accounts we almost want to close our eyes and not see the outcome. A trusted companion who sells out his friend for a small reward – that later in guilt he could not even spend! Join me as we hear the kindness of Jesus offered to even the most unloving of the twelve – Judas.  The saddest fact of Sunday will not be in the betrayal or treason of Judas but how often we ‘sell out’ our Savior for small bits of pleasure or glory or even rewards.  We see plainly Sin and Satan crouching at the door by Cain and Judas – are we watching for his shadow at the intersections of our life?  Invite someone who is struggling with life choices – Scripture has the answers!  

See you Sunday,
Pastor Mike