Sin is at the door!

Apr 7, 2019    Mike Burt

Sunday could be as simple as 'when sin knocks at the door – DON'T ANSWER THE DOOR!

However, there is more to the story of Cain and Abel than just the doorbell. I want to take us through the story of God's blessing of family – God's call for worship and our reply to both! Sin is an ever present enemy – peering in every window and calling at every door. Sin does not pose itself as an ogre or devil but rather as pleasant or even obedient. Cain offered his sacrifice – he did not rebel or refuse to bring an offering to God – he offered an unacceptable sacrifice – we are not even sure what was wrong with it! That is not Sunday's question – offering God's will God's way is our only goal. When there is a temptation to give God our reason or our logic or even our best thought instead of what He has asked – that is 'sin at the door!' Don't answer it!

I love J.C. Ryle's definition of sin: "A sin...consists in doing, saying, thinking, or imagining anything that is not in perfect conformity with the mind and law of God". We do not invent a religion or even worship that is fashioned by our imagination – we are called upon to offer to God what is pleasing to Him – and only that. Beware of reasonable imitations – they can be spiritually deadly!

See you Sunday for what I hope will be some genuine worship and some sincere obedience in God's Word.

Pastor Mike