Growing in Christ to Grow Others, Together.

Expository Preaching –Relevant messages from the Scriptures for the 21st century challenging the lost to grace and the saint to grow.
Mission Minded –Sending, supporting and recruiting missionaries for our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the World.
Educational Development –Expanding and developing the strengths of a quality teaching program for all ages and spiritual maturity.
Committed Discipleship –Instilling Biblical character through personal mentoring and utilizing vibrant small groups.
Spiritual Worship –Blending styles of classic worship offered in "Spirit and Truth" before an audience of One.
Faith Community –Based on care for "one another", activities are planned with purpose for every member of the Body.

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of opportunities for people to gather together in community weekly, encouraging one another closer to a life devoted to Christ.

 This Sunday at Grace

What Comes Around… - Nahum 2
“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” Galatians 6:7
From Jonah to Nahum we can say – ‘the worm has turned!’ Jonah was afraid that the Assyrians would get away with their wickedness – yet Jonah was grateful for God overlooking his faithlessness. Now a century later we find Nahum warning the city of Nineveh that their time is up! You might describe the tone of Nahum 2 as taunting or mocking but it is truly God using prophetic language to describe the unimaginable to a people who thought themselves invincible.  

God is reminding the peoples of Judah and Israel that the forces that have come up against them were results of their own sinfulness – yet God in His great mercy will deliver them while judging the treachery of Nineveh. Jonah did not live to see it but God is not every wrong! Israel should not gloat nor Judah take any comfort – God is still seeking obedience from those who claim to love Him.  

Sunday I will take us back into the great city of Nineveh on the eve of its destruction – to the great relief of God’s people and the great surprise of the Assyrians. So many verses come to mind but none clearer than in Corinthians:  1 Corinthians 10:12 “Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall.” The ruins of Nineveh are a monument for all times to see that God will not be ignored or dismissed.  If you think that sin can be ignored or consequences forgotten – you need to hear the words of Nahum!  

Join us Sunday for a trip back to Nineveh – back to the end of an empire and the beginning of God keeping His promise to the people of Israel.

Pastor Mike

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Sundays at 9am & 10:30am