Rescue of a brother

Jun 30, 2019    Mike Burt

“Suffering is unbearable if you aren’t certain that God is for you and with you.” Tim Keller

Last we saw of Lot, he was hurrying off to build a new house near Sodom. He took possession of the well watered Jordan Valley and become a neighbor to the 5 cities of the plain of Sidim. Bad Timing! For 12 years they had lived in peace but unknown to Lot, war was about to break out and he was caught up in the conflict. When the 5 cities were defeated by the 4 Kings of the North, Lot was swept up with the other prizes of war. Abram assembled his men and went after his nephew – chased down the marauders and rescues Lot.

In this exciting story of sin, conflict, war, rescue and deliverance we also see love, devotion, loyalty, shrewdness and grace. So many elements and we will see a beautiful picture of God in the rescue, us in the city of sin and love in the pursuit! Finally we will be introduced to Melchizedek – a Bible character you do not want to miss! Sunday is a must hear – do not miss this account of God's love and His promise keeping power.

“You don’t really know Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you have.” Tim Keller

Pastor Mike