Mr. Clean - Mark 1:40-45

Mike Burt

Sunday is a simple story of illness cured by Jesus – though the lessons are many! We will stare into the faces of terror (the leper fearing his desperate end) faces of horror (as onlookers see Jesus touch the leper) the face of compassion (on Jesus face) the faces of indignation (the teachers of the Law). Everyone seemed to see it differently but Jesus is the only one who did anything about it. In our modern times leprosy has been cured and medications are available for any localized outbreaks but we still have the stigma of certain sins. It is no accident that God likens sin to something as repulsive as leprosy – people respond to certain sins as if the sinner was a leper. Sunday I will ask us if we believe the love of God is greater than leprosy – the answer is a loud YES! But, I will then ask us if we believe that Grace is greater than our sin or greater than the sins of others around us – then the answer is sometimes muted or even silent. Let us not be silent in our faith!  


“Leprosy is cured by meds – fear is cured by love!”


Sunday I hope to show this by these verses in Mark – Grace greater than anyone’s sin! I encourage you to seek out a leper and bring them – if you cannot find a leper any sinner will do.

Pastor Mike