“That you may know…”  - Mark 2:1-12

Feb 23, 2025    Mike Burt

"God is too good to be unkind and He is too wise to be mistaken." C.H. Spurgeon

Just like Mark we ‘immediately’ zoom in on a single story that is emblematic of all Jesus had been doing in Galilee. So many moving parts in this short story – the great crowds had not left – the paralytic man and his very good friends who were compelled to bring him to Jesus. Such notice also brought some notoriety – the religious scoffers were also at hand – scoffing! Jesus did what He always does – shows great compassion – answers prayers – gives hope while silencing the critics – all at the same time!

Just like there are many characters there are as many lessons – great friends who bring people in need to Jesus. That would be a sermon all on its own! Jesus also gives a clear fulfillment of Isaiah 35:3 “Encourage the exhausted and strengthen the feeble.” When we are feeble or tired we know where to go as well as where to take those we love – all to Jesus!

For this Sunday I am inviting the tired, the weary, the weak and even broken – the answer to all this and so much more is in one place – the presence of Jesus. Bring someone with you who needs this encouragement – this strengthening – they need it as much as we all do.

See you Sunday, 

Pastor Mike