At Ease in Zion

Aug 16, 2020    Mike Burt

What does it mean to “be at ease in Zion?” This expression gets a lot of use but without context what does it really mean? Sunday I will unpack this question and give the very rich background of this warning of Amos. Even in the difficult times of our pandemic, we are still pretty much at ease. Things may be more difficult, but we still have it pretty good! Do not be at ease! What did Amos warn? How should we take heed to this ancient warning? The danger is for complacency – as Tozer says: “Complacency is a deadly foe of all spiritual growth.”
Join us Sunday in person or online to hear this most timely message from an old prophet who speaks into the modern age – something only God can do!
Pastor Mike

“Dear friends, let us shake off the intoxication of compromise. Too many of us are entertained by things we should weep over.” C. S. Lewis