Wait… There’s a test?

Aug 7, 2022    Josh Burt

This Sunday we look at the last part of chapter 4 in James. These verses, like the rest of James, do not let up when it comes to the “challenges” brought about as one aligned with Christ. These challenges seem insurmountable when we use the measurements, gauges, and evaluations of the world. In fact, what is seen most of the time is that when we are in the will of God, seeking His timing, His will, and His mission - the world tends to not only push back, but defend against these actions.

We will look at these verses this Sunday and not just read them, hear them, and see them - but we will look to leave seeking Him together! It is not about how we see success, satisfaction, or sustainability - it is all about our Savior! Let’s look to Him!

We tend to put so much weight on a single moment, movement, or monument - and we miss being a part of the ministry!

See you this Sunday!
Pastor Josh