SIGNS #7 – Resurrection of Lazarus - John 11:17-44

May 19, 2024    Mike Burt

“If someone believes it is our faith that heals us and forgets that it is God who does it, we should ask that person how much faith Lazarus had.” Eric Metaxas 

Sunday is a narrative of contradictions – Jesus loves his friend but delays his trip. Jesus says he 'sleeps' then confirms the death of Lazarus but then promises that this will 'not be unto death'! He goes to the house to mourn but weeps only at the tomb – then calls out to his deceased friend and Lazarus responds! Mary and Martha are both deeply disappointed yet affirm complete trust in the Messiah. Through all of these seeming contradictions I will take us into this story and hopefully come away with a clear message – Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life!

So what is our attitude? Do we cling to life as though there is nothing else? Do we fear death or face life in faith? I love what Richard Baxter (1615-1691) said: “I preached as never sure to preach again, And as a dying man to dying men.” That is us – a dying people giving hope to dying people! Come celebrate this hope Sunday!

Pastor Mike