SIGNS: #5 Walking on Water - John 6:15-21

Apr 28, 2024    Mike Burt

“Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature.” Augustine

'Walk on water' – a phrase common in English that refers to an accomplishment that is a miracle and nothing less. This became an idiom of doing the impossible. That is what Jesus did – the impossible! The disciples had witnessed the Feeding of the 5000+ and the crowds had seized on the wrong idea – 'let's make Him a king!' - not what Jesus intended. The desire for the Jews to throw off Roman rule was widely held – they hated Roman rule. Jesus did not come to be a political solution – He came to be a soul solution! Responding to the crowds, Jesus slipped away to a quiet place in the hills and the disciples made ready to return the fishing boat to its place in Capernaum. Unafraid and accustomed to night fishing, the disciples set out only to be confronted with a fierce storm making the home docks impossible. Knowing they were to meet Jesus there, they tried to row against the waves and wind but they were losing! Jesus walks out to meet them and deliver them. 

What can be learned from such an extraordinary event? It cannot be that we should attempt water walking – Peter did in the Matthew account and sank! Sunday I will take us to the Sea of Galilee and into the boat – not for swimming or walking lessons but for lessons of trust and faith. The effect of Jesus in our life should be the same thing He called out to the disciples from the stormy water – 'It is I; do not be afraid!'. We are like the disciples – working against the storm – praying for the storm to end – when all along Jesus is telling us to trust Him – lose the fear!

See you Sunday!

Pastor Mike

A miracle occurs at the bankruptcy of our efforts!