SIGNS: #6 BLIND WILL SEE! - John 9:1-25

May 5, 2024    Mike Burt

“Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped; then shall the lame man leap like a deer, and the tongue of the mute sing for joy. For waters break forth in the wilderness, and streams in the desert” Isa 35:5,6


This is a favorite story of Jesus healing the man born blind and it gives us lessons not only about faith but also about prayer, hope, and humility. We are confronted with two groups -- a man born blind who is willing to trust one he has never seen and a group of men with sight who are unwilling to trust what they can see with their own eyes. The second group is a body of men well trained and schooled in the Law and Prophets – yet were not looking for prophecy! They were abusing the Law as they accused Jesus of working on the Sabbath. The first man who was born blind did not spend the time in study or deliberation but accepted the ministry of Jesus without credentials and left his post of begging to journey to the Pool of Siloam without guarantee. He later blurts out those well know words, ‘this one thing I know – I once was blind but now I see!’. Sunday I will share this story and some of the Biblical backgrounds but in the end – we need to not trust only what we can see but put our faith the One who gives sight even to the blind! Join us this Sunday as the blind man is given sight and we will try to gain insight together!

Pastor Mike