Fishers of Men

Jan 22, 2023    Mike Burt

“WHEN CHRIST CALLS US by his grace we ought not only to remember what we are, but we ought also to think of what he can make us. It is, ‘Follow me, and I will make you.’” 

How To Become Fishers of Men by C.H. Spurgeon (1834-1892)

The joy of our faith is that God takes us where we are and moves us by His Word and through His Spirit to where He wants us to be. God will often use the skills He has given and retask them to the building of the Kingdom – those who can sing God can use to lead worship. Those who study well can be used as teachers. Those who love the challenged in our society can be used to reach those who are misunderstood by most. God is so good! Sunday I will take us along the shore where Jesus reaches into the lives of fishermen and reassigns their skills and insights to be ‘fishers of men’ in their world. Ordinary men doing normal daily stuff called to be a part of the Gospel. God is not seeking the exceptional of us – He uses the ordinary to do the extraordinary. That way none of us can take any of the credit – Salvation is the work of God done by the Word of God shared by the people of God. As Jesus said, ‘walk with Me’ and if you ask where we are going – we are going fishing! 

See you Sunday,

Pastor Mike

We are to be fishermen – not salesmen at a fish market!