Conversation with Jesus about His Father - John 8:48-58

Jun 16, 2024    Mike Burt

“To deny Jesus as God is to deny the very Word of God!”


In the many conversations Jesus had that are recorded in the Gospels, few rival the honesty and depth of His interactions with the Pharisees in John 8. This passage is especially poignant since this is Father’s Day and the Pharisees put the questions in the context of Abraham as their Father. Instead of being embarrassed, Jesus uncovers their blindness and true identity - unbelievers. The Pharisees are unable to understand Jesus’ Gospel and that He was sent by the Father. His was not a self-initiated mission. They were so convinced by their preconceptions that they couldn’t hear what Jesus was saying. They are so wrapped up in their biased thinking that they can’t catch the truth of Jesus’ teachings. They are likewise clueless as to His origin, identity, and redemptive purpose. Sunday I will take this conversation and walk us through 3 Questions, 3 Answers, and share the 3 Lessons that Jesus gives us about His Father. Join us for a great lesson on who Jesus was and who sent Him!

See you Sunday, 

Pastor Mike


“We must either worship Christ as God or despise or pity Him as man.” John Gerstner