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Fishers of Men - Mark 1:14-20
This is the week of the calling to those who will follow Jesus in the early days of His ministry. He did not call on the educated or the wealthy or the religious – He first called to fishermen to ‘follow me’ and He would use their profession as a model to train them anew.
Jesus summoned them to walk with Him – not just be admirers but students – those committed to a lifestyle – not just a teaching. Yes, we are to be lifelong students but followers in heart and faith and life. Many were interested but only a few stayed for the journey – even a few less for life. So Sunday our focus will be for the long haul – lifetime with Jesus.
We will focus on the three challenges of Comforts, Connections and Career. Jesus calls us out on all three. Be ready – this is not a message for the fainthearted – but for the faithful. I will try to clarify a difficult truth that all believers should be disciples but sadly some may not be.
Join a disciple or bring a believer who could be a disciple and join us Sunday for time in God’s Word and the calling of the Disciples in Mark 1.
Pastor Mike