Imperatives for Worship

Mike Burt    2019

How do we engage in genuine worship? How should we come before the presence of the LORD?

Psalm 100 tells us how. This psalm is a literary masterpiece. It has been said that the Bible is shallow enough that the immature can play without drowning, but it is deep enough that the most mature can never touch bottom. This is how I see Psalm 100 – so very simple yet completely inscrutable! This Psalm does not contain a single concept that is not expressed elsewhere in the Psalms but is the summary of every Psalm of worship.

When studying Psalm 100 one gets the impression that it is inappropriate for us to barge into God's holy presence without taking the proper actions and necessary steps. God is willing to meet us anywhere, anyplace, and anytime, but we need to come into his presence with our heart and mind, body and soul that acknowledges the presence of our Great King.

Sunday I will share the Imperatives from this Hebrew poem that set up our approach to sincere and personal worship – we will do this together!

Pastor Mike